
Our nervous system is the foundation upon which we experience life. It guides how we perceive and move through the world.

Stored stress can accumulate and cause us to hold tension creating distortion in our body and nervous system. It can lead us to live from a place of survival and protection without us even realizing it. When we can let go and release the unnecessary holdings there can be more ease and room for our life force to flow.

The Chiropractor’s job is to detect the areas in the body that are holding the stored stress and tension and to release the interference within the nervous system that is dampening the fullest expression of one’s life. Through gentle and specific chiropractic adjustments the flow of life can be restored so that one can experience life with more ease and connection.

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Aligning with compassion.

Chiropractic appointments will take place in our clean, private office with plenty of natural light. During the initial appointment we will discuss your needs and your care will be individualized to you.


Located in Capitola, CA.

Serving the greater Santa Cruz, Monterey, and San Jose counties.







Meet Isabel

Passionate about guiding people to connect to their body and their own true nature within.

“Dr. Eden is a gift. She gives adjustments to my body and mind. She provides a healing space and truly listens. After seeing her I feel lighter.”


All are welcome here.